Since the 1990s, the NIST Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) Laboratory Metrology program has organized Regional Measurement Assurance Program (RMAP) annual in-person training events to support the state weights and measures laboratories. This includes the Northeastern (NEMAP), Southeastern (SEMAP), Midwestern (MidMAP), Southwestern (SWAP), Western (WRAP), and Caribbean (CaMAP) regions across the U.S. Once every five years, OWM partners with a specific state to host a Combined Regional Measurement Assurance Program (C-RMAP) training event that includes the attendance of all six RMAP regions.
The Laboratory Metrology Regional Measurement Assurance Program (RMAP) operates within the broader OWM's Training Program and is integral to the successful training of the U.S. state legal metrology laboratory network and the weights and measures community. Each year, OWM laboratory metrology staff travel to a location within each region and gather with the state laboratory metrologists and representatives from the various metrology industries to network, share experiences, and receive training on a variety of metrology topics. The commitment and tireless work of the state laboratory hosts, as well as the active participation of all the attendees, are instrumental in the success of the RMAP training events.
These annual and regionally-attended RMAP meetings are unique in that they not only bring together experts responsible for the daily metrology work but also highlight the current issues for this community. They provide a platform for practical knowledge exchange, empowering participants with the latest information and skills directly from their peers. And most importantly, the success of each RMAP training event is attributable to the generous contributions of each of the state laboratories as the RMAP hosts.
In 2024, nearly 100 metrologists were in attendance across the RMAP regional meetings. Special topics covered included volume transfer metrology, project management skills and knowledge, and the recent NIST Handbook 143 updates, including a special “How-To” session on how best to conduct a technical audit of the sections of Handbook 143. Participants refreshed their knowledge of Volume Transfer metrology using OWM’s Standard Operating Procedures “Job Aids” (SOP 19 Calibration of Large Neck-Type Metal Provers, Volume Transfer Method) and a hands-on run of Standard Operating Procedure for Scale Plate Calibration for Volumetric Field Standards (based on SOP 31 in NISTIR 7383, 2019 edition).
In addition to the special topics, the RMAP participants conduct the annual planning of their upcoming laboratory Proficiency Testing (PT) activities. OWM provides support for the PTs with regard to logistics, materials, review, oversight, and reporting; however, it is the PT coordinators in each region that truly make it happen. Each region decides as a group which PTs will be organized and then updates their expected 4-year proficiency test plan. OWM presents the reports on completed PTs, which are then followed by analysis and discussion by all participants. OWM recognizes and appreciates the state laboratory PT coordinators within each region for their invaluable contribution to the success of these events.
In June 2025, OWM will hold a Combined Regional Measurement Assurance Program (C-RMAP) training event with the Oregon Department of Agriculture as the host with all six RMAP regions in attendance at once. Training topics for the 2025 C-RMAP are based on state-requested training needs, past laboratory assessments (including submitted annual recognition data), and reviews of recent proficiency testing results. OWM staff will provide overviews of What’s New in the state laboratory program and is excited to bring together all the state metrology laboratories and metrology industries for a full week of training and knowledge exchange.