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Workshop: Advancing UV Germicidal Efficacy Measurement: Metrology, Standards, Data and Protocols  

March 18 - 20, 2025 

American Geophysical Union Conference Center 

2000 Florida Ave. NW 

Washington, D.C. 20009 

(agenda content subject to change) 

Day One – Tuesday, March 18, 2025 

8:30– 9:00 

Welcome & Opening Remarks 


  • Meeting Overview & Orientation – Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology 


  • Remarks - Stephanie Hooker, Associate Director, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology 


  • Remarks - Ted Mao, President, International Ultraviolet Association 


9:00 - 9:30 

Keynote Presentation - Dan Hanfling, Director, Private Sector Strategic Partnerships, Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response, The White House, Ex-officio  


9:30 - 10:00 

Keynote Presentation - William P. Bahnfleth, Professor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University 


Mainstreaming Germicidal UV – Progress, Barriers, Needs


10:00 - 10:15 


Refreshment Break 

10:15 - 11:00 

Industry Leaders Roundtable: Common Goals & Different Approaches 

Moderator:  William Bahnfleth, Professor of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University



  • Giulia Santi, CEO, Light Progress Group 

  • Holger Claus, Vice President, Technology, USHIO America, Inc. 

  • Ashish Mathur, VP Innovation and Technology, UVDI 

  • Rick Rasansky, Co-founder and CEO, XCMR, Inc. 

  • James Montavon, Research Analyst, Blueprint Biosecurity 

  • P.K. Swain, Chief Operating Officer, EIT2.0 


11:00 - 12:00 

Plenary Session: Inactivation Behavior - What’s Happening and What’s Needed 


Session Chair: Phyllis Posy, President, Posy Global 


This session is composed of the following invited presentations and a moderated discussion led by the session chair. 


  • UV Sensitivity of Microorganisms - Tatiana Koutchma, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada & James Bolton, Founder, Bolton Photosciences

  • ASHRAE Research project 1854-TRP-C, Database of Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constant (K-Values) for Microorganisms Critical to System Design - Richard Vincent, Administrative Manager, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

  • UV Air Disinfection Kinetics Measurement: Influential Factors, Challenges, and Standardization - Hao Luo, Postdoctoral Fellow, USP Technologies

  • Development of inactivation rate constants for microorganisms in water - a synopsis of research and test methods - Phyllis Posy, Posy Global  


12:00 - 1:00  


Lunch and Keynote Presentation - Nick Heredia, Vice President, R&D, SafeTraces

UV-Sensitive Aerosol Tracer for Measurement and Verification of Germicidal UV-C in Real World Settings


Moderated Panel: Microbiology Measurements and Global Challenges 

Chairs:  James Bolton, Founder, Bolton Photosciences; Matthew Hardwick, CEO, ResInnova Clinical Diagnostics

This panel will feature experts discussing how to best measure UV sensitivity of microorganisms with an emphasis on testing and commercial engagement, with a balance between water, air, and surface topics.   


  • Shawn Verhoeven, Technical Manager, GAP EnviroMicrobial Services Ltd.

  • Bill Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo  

  • Tatiana Koutchma, Co-founder, UV4Good

  • Curtis Donskey, Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University  

  • Phyllis Posy, President, Posy Global 


1:45 - 2:00

Plenary Talk - Cameron Miller, Deputy Division Chief, Sensor Science Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory, NIST 

UV Metrology


2:00 - 2:15  

All Hands Session: Orientation for Breakout Sessions - Scoping & Deliverables   

Chairs and Discussion Leaders: 

  • Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 

  • Ted Mao, President, IUVA 


2:15 - 3:00 pm 

Breakout Session 1 

Air Inactivation 


  • James Montavon, Blueprint Biosecurity

  • Dustin Poppendieck, NIST

  • Paula Olsiewski, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security


Breakout Session 2 

Surface Inactivation 


  • Joy Dunkers, NIST 

  • Richard Martinello, Yale School of Medicine 

  • Tatiana Koutchma, UV4Good

  • Sam Guzman, American Ultraviolet

Breakout Session 3 

Data and Terminology 


  • Rick Rasansky, XCMR Inc.

  • Holger Claus, USHIO America, Inc.

  • Stephanie Gora, York University

  • Curtis Donskey, Case Western Reserve University


3:00 - 3:15 

BREAK (at the discretion of breakout session chairs) 

3:15 - 4:45 pm  

Breakout Session 1

Air Inactivation


Breakout Session 2

Surface Inactivation


Breakout Session 3

Data and Terminology


4:45 - 5:00 

All Hands Session: Get Ready for Day 2


Session Chairs and Discussion Leaders: Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, NIST and Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 


All attendees reconvene for an all-hands recap of the breakout sessions and an orientation on the plans for Day 2. This will not be a time for the Breakout Sessions chairs to report on their group's Day 1 work, that will occur on the morning of Day 2 after the opening moderated panel "Healthcare Needs & Pandemic Response Planning". 



Wrap-up and Adjourn 


Self-assemble information for networking at the registration desk.



Day Two – Wednesday, March 19, 2025 


8:30 - 8:45 am  

Opening Session 


Welcome Remarks & Orientation for the Day – Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, NIST 


8:45 - 9:45 am 


Moderated Panel: Healthcare Needs & Pandemic Response Planning 


  • Dan Hanfling, Director, Private Sector Strategic Partnerships, Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response, The White House, Ex-officio

  • Curtis Donskey, Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

  • Kathleen McPhaul, Associate Research Professor, Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland 

  • Gigi Gronvall, Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security 

  • Lewis Rubinson, VP, B.Next Technology, In-Q-Tel


Moderator Richard Martinello, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine


9:45 - 10:35 am 

Plenary Session: Recap of Breakout Sessions from Day 1 

Plenary Session Chairs: Ashish Mathur, VP Innovation and Technology, UVDI and Cameron Miller, Deputy Division Chief, NIST 


Plenary session chairs will direct and manage the floor for this session.  A designated breakout session chair from the air, surface, and data/terminology breakout sessions will present summaries of their group's Day 1 work. There will be time for moderated discussions between the audience and the breakout session chairs, as managed by the plenary session chairs. 


Order of presentation (10 min presentation, 5 minutes discussion for each): 

  1. Air Inactivation – James Montavon, Blueprint Biosecurity

  1. Surface Inactivation – Designated Speaker 

  1. Data and Terminology – Designated Speaker 

  1. Wrap-up - Plenary Session Chairs 


10:35 - 10:45 am 


Short Refreshment Break and Move to Breakout Sessions

10:45 - 12:00 pm 

Breakout Session 1

Air Inactivation


Breakout Session 2

Surface Inactivation


Breakout Session 3

Data and Terminology


12:00 – 1:00 pm 


Lunch and Keynote Presentation - Dustin Poppendieck, Environmental Engineer, Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Group, Building Energy and Environment Division, Engineering Laboratory, NIST


Indoor Air Chemistry from Germicidal Ultraviolet Light 


1:00 - 1:45 PM 

Moderated Panel: Technology Issues 


Senior government and industry leaders share their views on how much the landscape of GUV inactivation behavior has evolved over the past 20 years with an emphasis on technology for air, surface, and clinical applications.  How far have things progressed?  What challenges remain? 



  • Katja Auer, Chief of Staff, XCMR, Inc. 

  • Ashish Mathur, VP Innovation and Technology, UVDI 

  • Richard Martinello, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine 

  • Cameron Miller, Deputy Division Chief, NIST 

  • Neil Avner Cikurel, Co-founder, Business Development Director, RND Arastirma Gelistirme Tasarim

  • Rajul Randive, Director of Application Engineering, Crystal IS


Moderator:  Peter Gordon, Business Development Consultant, EIT2.0


1:45 - 3:00 pm 


Breakout Session 1

Air Inactivation 


Breakout Session 2

Surface Inactivation 


Breakout Session 3 

Data and Terminology


3:00  - 3:15 pm 


Refreshment Break 

3:15 - 4:00 pm 

Plenary Session: Breakout Updates w/ Moderated Discussion 

Session Chairs: Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, NIST and Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 


Breakout session chairs from the air, surface, and data/terminology groups will present updates on their group's work, followed by a moderated discussion with the audience. 


4:00 - 5:00 pm 

All Hands Breakout Session: Microbiology Testing Roadmap to Round Robins 

Chairs: James Bolton, Founder, Bolton Photosciences; Matthew Hardwick, CEO, ResInnova Clinical Diagnostics; Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 


Facilitators: Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, NIST 


This is an all hands breakout session to reflect on how microbiology testing and protocols have been discussed during the event, with an emphasis on challenges and development needs for air and surfaces inactivation data and looking ahead. A presentation on microbiology testing and roadmapping to round robins will be provided by Tatiana Koutchma to kick off the discussion. 



  • Shawn Verhoeven, Technical Manager, GAP EnviroMicrobial Services Ltd.
  • Bill Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo 
  • Tatiana Koutchma, Co-founder, UV4Good
  • Curtis Donskey, Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University 
  • Phyllis Posy, President, Posy Global
  • Mark Hernandez, Professor and Director, Aerobiology and Disinfection Lab, University of Colorado



Wrap-up and Adjourn 


Self-assemble information for networking at the registration desk. 




Day Three –Thursday, March 20, 2024 


8:45 - 9:00 am 

Opening Session - Welcome Remarks

Session Chairs: Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, NIST and Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 



9:00 - 10:30 am 

Breakout Session 1 

Air Inactivation

reconvene for conclusions & wrap up time 


Breakout Session 2 

Surface Inactivation

reconvene for conclusions & wrap up time 

Breakout Session 3 

Data and Terminology

reconvene for conclusions & wrap up time 

10:30 – 10:45 am 


Refreshment Break  

10:45 – 11:30 am 

All Hands Session: Reports on Conclusions, Recommendations & Next Steps from the Breakout Session Chairs 

Session Chairs:  Troy Cowan, IUVA Healthcare Working Group and Cameron Miller, Deputy Division Chief, NIST 


Breakout session chairs for the Air, Surfaces, and Data and Terminology sessions will present the summaries of their session work, followed by a moderated discussion with the audience. 


11:30 am - 12:00 pm 

All Hands Closing Session: Looking Ahead

A moderated discussion on:

  • Taking the next steps and what's necessary

  • Restating the long-term objectives and paths for producing credible inactivation data 

  • Building a follow-up action team with designated leads


Session Chairs: 

  • Ted Mao, President, IUVA – Discussion Leader 

  • James Montavon, Research Analyst, Blueprint Biosecurity – Discussion Leader 

  • Curtis Donskey, Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University 

  • Kathleen McPhaul, Associate Research Professor, Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland

  • Darrin Leonhardt, Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Engineering, EIT2.0

  • Paula Olsiewski, Contributing Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

  • Neil Avner Cikurel, Co-founder, Business Development Director, RND Arastirma Gelistirme Tasarim


Session chairs will convene on the stage, and have a dialogue with the audience, led by the discussion leaders, to meet the formulation needs.  


12:00 pm 


Wrap-Up & Adjourn:  Dianne Poster, Senior Advisor, and Joy Dunkers, Physical Scientist, NIST and Troy Cowan, Chair, IUVA Healthcare Working Group 






Created January 16, 2025, Updated March 12, 2025