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Colleen E. Bryan Sallee (Fed)

Dr. Bryan's research focuses on the roles and impacts of toxic and nutritional trace elements in food safety; marine animal health; and mercury metrology. She began her career at NIST as a graduate student doing her master's degree thesis on "Non-lethal monitoring of trace elements in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus" and her Ph.D. dissertation on "Influence of selenium and mercury chemistries on the progression of cardiomyopathy in pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps". She has performed trace element and metalloprotein analysis using techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), liquid chromatography ICP-MS (LC-ICP-MS), and gas chromatography ICP-MS (GC-ICP-MS).

Dr. Bryan is the inorganic lead for NIST Quality Assurance Programs (QAPs) and NIST Pacific Marine Mammal Health Assessment (PMMHA) programs which are supported by collaborations with several partners. QAPs are currently in the areas of food and nutrition safety (FNSQAP), dietary supplements (DSQAP), and cannabis (CannaQAP) research.  PMMHA projects include studying Hawaiian monk seals, Northern Pacific humpback whales, and bottlenose dolphin under human care in the research areas of trace elements, organic contaminants, metabolomics, stable isotopes, fatty acids, and sex/population genetics. Additionally, Colleen is the Inorganic Environmental Program Coordinator for reference materials and has been involved in several environmental projects including examining mercury spatial and temporal trends for the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Program (AMMTAP), the Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project (STAMP), and southeastern U.S. bottlenose dolphin.  She is active in developing methods and trace element value assignments to support the Standard Reference Materials program.  Colleen is also the Quality Manager for the Inorganic Chemical Metrology Group in the Chemical Sciences Division.

Professional Awards and Recognition:

  • Medical University of South Carolina College of Graduate Studies Scholarship, 2006-2010
  • Best Student Poster Presentation, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, Fort Pierce, FL, 2004
  • Grice Marine Laboratory Graduate Scholarship, 2003
  • Sigma Zeta: Science and Mathematics Society, 2000
  • Omicron Delta Kappa: Leadership and Academic Society, 1999

Professional Activities:

  • AOAC member, 2022-Present
  • International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine Member, 2013
  • Medical University of South Carolina Associate Faculty Member, 2013-2019
  • Hawaii Pacific University Affiliate Faculty Member, 2012-Present
  • American Cetacean Society Member, 2010
  • National Aquarium Conservation Center Dolphin Conservation Task Force, 2010-2012
  • Society for Marine Mammalogy Member, 2003

Student Mentoring Experience

  • Mackenzie Griffin, M.S., Savannah State University Marine Sciences Program (Committee Member and Laboratory Measurements)
  • Amanda Bayless, M.S., College of Charleston Graduate Program in Marine Biology (Laboratory Measurements)
  • Stephanie Shaw, M.S., Hawaii Pacific University Marine Biology Program (Committee Member and Laboratory Measurements)
  • Julia Smith, M.S., Hawaii Pacific University Marine Biology Program (Co-Advisor)
  • Jackie Bangma, Ph.D. student, Medical University of South Carolina Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences Program (Laboratory Measurements)
  • Frances Nilsen, Ph.D. student, Medical University of South Carolina Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences Program (Laboratory Measurements)
  • Angela Hansen, M.S., Hawaii Pacific University Marine Biology Program (Committee Member and Laboratory Measurements)

Selected Publications


Characterization of Reference Material 8210: Hemp Plant

Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Walter Brent Wilson, Charles Barber, Monique Johnson, Jenna Klingsick, Jerome Mulloor, Blaza Toman, Elena Wood, Laura Wood, Andrea Yarberry
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference Material (RM) 8210 Hemp Plant delivers non certified values for cannabinoids and toxic
Created October 9, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022