Research Interests
My research involves developing methods for X-ray metrology for complex 3D nanostructures for the semiconductor industry. I also develop methods for using soft and hard x-ray scattering to characterize the pattern shape and local chemistry in next generation lithographies such as directed-self assembly of block copolymers and extreme ultraviolet lithography. A method developed by our group called critical dimension small angle X-ray scattering (CDSAXS) was recently transferred to the semiconductor industry and is being used in memory fabs for characterizing high aspect ratio memory structures such as 3D-NAND. I am currently the project leader of the Metrology for Nanolithography project.
Professional Service
Research Opportunities
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship – Open to U.S. citizens with an annual stipend of $72,750 per year. Applications are due on either Feb. 1 or Aug. 1. Contact me if interested in an NRC post-doc for researching dimensional metrology for nanoelectronics, directed self-assembly of block copolymers, or X-ray scattering of polymers.
Selected Publications