Ronald Dixson is a physicist in the Microsystems and Nanotechnology Division. His current research interests are calibration methods, traceability, and uncertainty analysis in atomic force microscope (AFM) dimensional metrology. This includes metrology applications of critical dimension AFM (CD-AFM) and the NIST traceable AFM (T-AFM) project. Some areas of particular emphasis include the tip-sample interaction and its impact on dimensional metrology. From 2001 to 2004, he was the first NIST visiting scientist at SEMATECH. The goal of that collaboration was to implement CD-AFM as a traceable reference measurement system (RMS) for dimensional metrology. This effort culminated in the NIST single crystal critical dimension reference material (SCCDRM) project which enabled traceable calibration of CD-AFM tip width at the 1 nm level of uncertainty. He is a member of SPIE and the American Physical Society, has participated in SEMI and ISO standards committees, and most recently served as co-chair of the Working Group on Dimensional Nanometrology (WG-N) of the Consultative Committee on Length (CCL). He has authored/coauthored more than 100 publications and given dozens of talks/presentations.