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Search Publications by: Mark D. Vaudin (Assoc)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 93

Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation of a Nano-Crystalline Pt Thin Film

October 12, 2021
T Maitland, X Han, Mark D. Vaudin, G R. Fox, M Coy
A polycrystalline Pt thin film deposited on a cut Si single crystal wafer coated with SiO2 and a TiO2 adhesion layer was studied using automated electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Integration of the EBSD detector and a scanning electron microscope

Stoichiometry and Phase Composition of MOCVD Barium Titanate Films

October 12, 2021
Charles E. Bouldin, Joseph Woicik, Bruce Ravel, Debra Kaiser, Mark D. Vaudin
X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) have been used to study the stoichiometry and phase composition of thin (approximately equal to} 1 micron) films deposited on MgO substrates. Deposition

X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Optimization of MgO Growth Conditions for Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

October 12, 2021
O Se Young, C G. Lee, Alexander J. Shapiro, William F. Egelhoff Jr., Mark D. Vaudin, Jennifer L. Klamo, J Mallett, Philip Pong
MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) show large tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) effects and are currently the most promising technology for the applications in magnetoelectronics devices. Conventional MTJs with amorphous AlOx barriers yield TMR

Microscale Mapping of Structure and Stress in Barium Titanate

April 19, 2020
Jane A. Howell, Mark D. Vaudin, Lawrence Henry Friedman, Robert F. Cook
Cross-correlation of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns was used to generate rotation, strain, and stress maps of single-crystal tetragonal barium titanate (BaTiO3) containing isolated, small, sub-micrometer a domains separated from a c-

Lamellar and bundled domain rotations in barium titanate

August 27, 2018
Jane A. Howell, Mark D. Vaudin, Lawrence Henry Friedman, Robert F. Cook
Cross-correlation of electron backscatter diffraction patterns has been used to generate rotation maps of single crystals of tetragonal barium titanate (BaTiO3) containing multiple lamellae and bundles of  90 domains. Rotation measurement angular

Two-Dimensional Strain-Mapping by Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Confocal Raman Spectroscopy

November 27, 2017
Andrew J. Gayle, Lawrence Henry Friedman, Ryan Beams, Brian G. Bush, Yvonne B. Gerbig, Chris A. Michaels, Mark D. Vaudin, Robert F. Cook
The strain field surrounding a spherical indentation in silicon is mapped in two dimensions (2- D) using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) cross-correlation and confocal Raman spectroscopy techniques. The 200 mN indentation created a 4 m diameter

Strain Measurement of 3D Structured Nanodevices by EBSD

August 20, 2017
William A. Osborn, Lawrence H. Friedman, Mark D. Vaudin
We present a new methodology to accurately measure strain magnitudes from 3D nanodevices using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). Because the dimensions of features on these devices are smaller than the interaction volume for backscattered electrons

The Lattice Spacing Variability of Intrinsic Float-Zone Silicon

May 11, 2017
Ernest G. Kessler Jr., Csilla Szabo-Foster, James Cline, Albert Henins, Lawrence T. Hudson, Marcus Mendenhall, Mark D. Vaudin
Precision lattice spacing comparison measurements at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provide traceability of x-ray wavelength and powder diffraction standards to the international system of units (SI). Here we both summarize and

Optical and Structural Studies of Strain-Relaxed InxGa1-xN Films on GaN/sapphire with 0.04

February 19, 2017
Larry Robins, J T. Armstrong, Mark D. Vaudin, Charles E. Bouldin, Joseph Woicik, Albert J. Paul, W. R. Thurber, Ryna B. Marinenko
The structures of a set of InxGa1-xN films grown by atmospheric-pressure MOCVD onGaN buffer layers on c-plane sapphire, with compositions in the range 0.04 x 0.47, were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). Several films were also examined by

Phase Relations in Ba-(Nd,Eu,Gd)-Cu-O Coated Conductor Films

February 19, 2017
Winnie Wong-Ng, Igor Levin, Joseph J. Ritter, Lawrence P. Cook, Guangyao Liu, Makoto Otani, Christopher E. Lucas, Shailee P. Diwanji, Ron Feenstra, P Goyal, Mark D. Vaudin
Knowledge of phase relations in thin films of Ba2RCu3O6+x (where R=lanthanides or mixed lanthanides) is needed to guide the processing of coated conductors. High-temperature X-ray diffraction studies of Ba2RCu3O6+x films deposited using the

Rapid Detection of Thin-Film Interfacial Reactions by MEMS-DSC

February 19, 2017
Lawrence P. Cook, Richard E. Cavicchi, Yanbao Zhang, Mark D. Vaudin, Christopher B. Montgomery, William F. Egelhoff Jr., Martin L. Green, Leslie Allen
A MEMS-based differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) has been used to characterize the Ni/Si interfacial reaction in thin films at ramp rates of 940 C/s and 3760 C/s. The DSC devices were fabricated using CMOS semiconductor processing technology, and were

Assessing Electron Backscattered Diffraction and Confocal Raman Microscopy Strain Mapping Using Wedge-indented Si

February 17, 2016
Lawrence Henry Friedman, Mark D. Vaudin, Stephan J. Stranick, Gheorghe Stan, Yvonne B. Gerbig, William Alexander Osborn, Robert F. Cook
The accuracy of electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) for small-scale strain mapping are assessed using the multi-axial strain field surrounding a wedge indentation in Si as a test vehicle. The strain field is

Designing a standard for strain mapping: HR-EBSD analysis of SiGe thin film structures on Si

January 1, 2015
Mark D. Vaudin, William A. Osborn, Lawrence H. Friedman, Justin M. Gorham, Robert F. Cook, Victor Vartanian
Patterned SiGe thin film structures, heteroepitaxially deposited on Si substrates, are investigated as potential reference standards to establish the accuracy of high resolution electron backscattered diffraction (HR-EBSD) strain measurement methods. The

Structural and Dynamical Studies of Acid Mediated Conversion in Amorphous-Calcium-Phosphate Based Dental Composites

October 31, 2014
Fan Zhang, Andrew Allen, Lyle E. Levine, Mark D. Vaudin, Drago Skrtic, Joseph M. Antonucci, Kathleen Hoffman, Anthony A. Giuseppetti, Jan Ilavsky
Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) based composites are promising restorative dental materials attributable to ACP's capacity to release calcium and phosphate ions through a complex reaction in which ACP is converted to its crystalline, apatitic form

Effect of Tin Doping on alpha-Fe2O3 Photoanodes for Water Splitting

June 28, 2012
Christopher C. Bohn, Amit Agrawal, Erich C. Walter, Mark D. Vaudin, Andrew Herzing, Paul M. Haney, Albert A. Talin, Veronika Szalai
Sputtered-deposited films of α-Fe2O3 of thickness 600 nm were investigated as photoanodes for solar water splitting and found to have photocurrents as high as 0.8 mA/cm2 at 1.23 V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE). The incorporation of Sn into

Micro-scale measurement and modeling of stress in silicon surrounding a tungsten-filled through-silicon via

October 11, 2011
Ryan P. Koseski, William Alexander Osborn, Stephan J. Stranick, Frank W. DelRio, Mark D. Vaudin, Thuy Dao, Vance H. Adams, Robert F. Cook
The stress in silicon surrounding a tungsten-filled through-silicon via (TSV) is measured using confocal Raman microscopy line scans across the TSV both before and after etch removal of an oxide stack used as a mask to define the TSV during fabrication

Enhanced Mass Transport in Ultra-Rapidly-Heated Ni/Si Thin-Film Multilayers

November 15, 2009
Lawrence P. Cook, Richard E. Cavicchi, Nabil Bassim, Susie Eustis, Winnie Wong-Ng, Igor Levin, Ursula R. Kattner, Carelyn E. Campbell, Christopher B. Montgomery, William F. Egelhoff Jr., Mark D. Vaudin
We have investigated multilayer and bilayer Ni/Si thin films by nano-differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at ultra rapid scan rates, in a temperature-time regime not accessible with conventional apparatus. DSC experiments were completed at slower scan