The Fire & Explosion Investigation Subcommittee focuses on standards and guidelines related to the investigation, analyses and interpretation of crime scenes where arson or use of explosives is suspected.
Officers | Members | Standards | Other Work Products
David Sheppard, Ph.D., Subcommittee Chair, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Fire Research Laboratory
Melvin 'Dixon' Robin, Subcommittee Vice Chair, Fire Sequence, Inc.
Keith Flood, Executive Secretary, West Shore Fire District
John Allen, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Nicole Brewer, Portland Fire & Rescue
Brittany Brown, South Adams County
Wayne DeLancey, North Carolina Office of State Fire Marshall
Marc Fennell, MDF Forensics
Gregory Gorbett, Eastern Kentucky University
Brian Gordon, Florida Division of Investigative and Forensic Services Bureau of Fire, Arson, and Explosive Investigations
Dan Gottuk, Gottuk Engineering
Bryan Kempa, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Richard Lempert, University of Michigan (Human Factors Task Group member)
John Lentini, Scientific Fire Analysis, LLC
Melanie McMillin, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Quality Task Group representative)
Jason Poore, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Janis Puracal, Forensic Justice Project (Legal Task Group representative)
Randy Watson, SEA, Ltd.
Bruce Willis, Piedmont University
These documents may contain information to help forensic scientists, judges, lawyers, researchers, and other readers better understand the nature, scope, and foundations of the individual disciplines as currently practiced. The identification of these documents does not represent an endorsement by OSAC or NIST. Only standards that are posted on the OSAC Registry and Technical Guidance documents are endorsed by OSAC. The referenced documents may be subject to copyright. Note: Subcommittee position statements or responses to data collections by the subcommittee do not necessarily represent the position of OSAC or NIST.