The FSSB’s Legal Task Group is primarily comprised of at least one member from each OSAC subcommittee to provide a legal perspective for the subcommittee. Task group members are selected based on their experience in litigating, judging, legal counseling, teaching or writing about forensic science evidence in the legal system. The group is available for consulting with the FSSB and all OSAC subcommittees on legal and legally related issues. Task group members work together to gather and submit their comments on standards, technical publications, definitions, and other OSAC and FSSB documents, with an emphasis on their legal impacts and on the presentation of forensic science results within the legal system.
Emily Prokesch, Task Group Chair (OSAC affiliate), The New York State Defender Association
Richard Gutierrez, Task Group Vice Chair, Assistant Professor of Law at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) School of Law (member of OSAC's Friction Ridge Subcommittee)
Vacant, Task Group Executive Secretary
Colin Bellair, Travis County District Attorney's Office (member of OSAC's Forensic Odontology Subcommittee)
Alyse Bertenthal, Wake Forest Law School (member of OSAC's Wildlife Forensic Biology Subcommittee)
Marissa Bluestine, Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice at the Pennsylvania Law School (member of OSAC's Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & Gunshot Residue Subcommittee)
Dawn Boswell, University of North Texas Health Science Center (member of OSAC's Human Forensic Biology Subcommittee)
Kent Cattani, Arizona Court of Appeals (member of OSAC's Trace Materials Subcommittee)
Dana Delger, Innocence Project (member of OSAC's Speaker Recognition Subcommittee)
Stephanie Domitrovich, Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (member of OSAC's Speaker Recognition Subcommittee)
John Ellis, Law Offices of John C. Ellis, Jr., INC. (member of OSAC's Digital/Multimedia SAC)
Sabrina Feve, US Department of Justice (member of OSAC's Digital Evidence Subcommittee)
Lynn Garcia, Texas Forensic Science Commission (FSSB Liaison to Legal Task Group)
Clare Garvie, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (member of OSAC's Facial & Iris Identification Subcommittee)
Elizabeth Geddes, US Department of Justice (member of OSAC's Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee)
Jocelyn Kaoutzanis, U.S. Attorneys Office, District of Connecticut (member of OSAC's Forensic Document Examination Subcommittee)
Laurie Krepos, Office of the State Public Defender, State of Colorado (member of OSAC's Forensic Nursing Subcommittee)
Nicholas Klingerman, Arizona Attorney General's Office (member of OSAC's Forensic Anthropology Subcommittee)
Desiree Lassiter, Defender Services Office, Training Division, (member of OSAC's Seized Drugs Subcommittee)
Julia Leighton, Self-employed (member of OSAC's Dogs & Sensors Subcommittee)
Kate Philpott, VCU and Self-employed (member of OSAC's Human Forensic Biology Subcommittee)
Christopher Plourd, State of California (member of OSAC's Forensic Toxicology Subcommittee and Terminology Task Group)
Janis Puracal, Forensic Justice Project (member of OSAC's Fire & Explosion Investigation Subcommittee)
Ronald Reinstein, Arizona Supreme Court (member of OSAC's Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction Subcommittee)
J. Michael Ryan, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (member of OSAC's Footwear & Tire Subcommittee)
Maneka Sinha, University of Maryland, School of Law (member of OSAC's Firearms & Toolmarks Subcommittee)
Raymond Valerio, Queens District Attorney's Office (member of OSAC's Firearms & Toolmarks Subcommittee)
Sabrina Feve, US Department of Justice (member of OSAC's Digital Evidence Subcommittee)