An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.
"Lockdown" is a code word used to communicate the initiation of RUN, HIDE, FIGHT actions due to the presence of an active shooter.
Call Campus Police, when it is safe to do so, at:
- Gaithersburg Campus x2222 from a campus phone or call 301-975-2222 from a cellular phone. When calling 911 from a cellular or off-site phone inform the 911 dispatcher that the emergency is on the NIST campus.
- Boulder Campus x7777 from a campus phone or call 303-497-7777 from a cellular phone. When calling 911 from a cellular or off-site phone inform the 911 dispatcher that the emergency is on the NIST campus.
Response Options
- If you know a safe, accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises.
- When escaping the area, carry nothing in your hands, keep hands raised over your head.
- Find a safe, protected place to hide and stay there.
- The best hiding places provide both cover (ballistic protection) and concealment (visual obstruction).
- Lock doors.
- Barricade your space with available office equipment.
If neither running nor hiding is a safe option, when confronted by the shooter consider fighting as the absolute last resort. Once the decision is made, commit to fight for your life aggressively as possible. There is strength in numbers, so recruit others to ambush the shooter with makeshift weapons like chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, books, etc.
If fighting is the only option, aim to cause severe or lethal injury to the shooter.
When Law Enforcement or Security Arrive:
- Follow officer instructions.
- Keep hands empty, raised at eye level, and fingers always spread.
- Avoid making quick movements towards any responders.
- Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, proceed in the direction from which officers are entering.
Additional resources
FBI- Active Shooter Safety Resources
CISA-Active Shooter Preparedness in Crowded and Public Spaces
FEMA-Be Prepared for an Active Shooter