Electric/HVAC/Water Outages
During any utility failure, the NIST leadership team will meet to discuss campus options and communicate status to the occupants.
Campus occupants should:
- Call OFPM and notify them of the utility outage affecting your location.
- Gaithersburg OFPM x6928 or 301-975-6928
- Boulder OFPM x3191 or 303-497-3191
- Notify Security Dispatch of the utility outage using the non-emergency number.
- Gaithersburg Security Dispatch x2805 or 301-975-2805
- Boulder Security Dispatch x3530 or 303-497-3530
- Pay attention to your communication devices (phone, email, text) for messages.
- Wait for further direction from NIST leadership or until an “All Clear” is announced.
- Contact your supervisor for accountability purposes via phone, text, or email, if necessary.
Additional Resources
FEMA Be Prepared for Power Outages
Ready.gov/ Power-Outages
FDA Water Safety During Power Outages & Floods