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NICE Framework: Ways to Engage

The NICE Framework depends on community and subject expert engagement to ensure that it and its supporting resources meet stakeholder needs and to expand its usefulness, applicability, and adoption nationwide. Updates to NICE Framework data (Competencies, Work Roles, and Task, Knowledge, and Skill [TKS] statements) aim to support the NICE Framework attributes of agility, flexibility, interoperability, and modularity while minimizing disruption in extant applications of the NICE Framework.

The NICE Framework stakeholder community is broad—including federal, state, and local governments and tribal territories; private industry; academia; learners (students, job seekers, and employees); and international communities. We encourage input and engagement across the cybersecurity workforce ecosystem.

How Can I Get Involved with the NICE Framework?

NICE offers a number of ways to get involved in supporting the NICE Framework. They include:

You are encouraged to actively participate in one or more of the various open groups that NICE hosts. These groups offer opportunities to develop content directly related to the NICE Framework, are a place to share and learn about NICE Framework-related applications and resources, and to learn about calls for information and requests for comments on NICE Framework content. 

Whether it’s in-person or online, NICE offers a variety of events and workshops throughout the year. These often provide an opportunity for more in-depth learning related to the NICE Framework, ways to participate in the planning and development of new content for the NICE Framework, and a chance to advance understanding and use of the NICE Framework.

Share about your own NICE Framework successes and uses, and how you see yourself in the NICE Framework.

There are times when we want to hear directly from you on draft content, proposed updates, and more. And there may be times when you have ideas you want to share with us outside of any of the planned activities or engagements NICE offers. Or maybe you’d like us to come to your organization and discuss more about what you are doing or directly speak with your colleagues about the NICE Framework. Your ideas and input are essential to helping make sure the NICE Framework is a success!

  • NICE Comment Periods
  • Contact Us NICEframework [at] (NICEframework[at]nist[dot]gov)

NIST Principles

NIST believes that robust, widely understood, and participatory development processes produce the strongest, most effective, most trusted, and broadly accepted standards and guidelines. The following principles guide NIST standards and guidelines development:

  • Transparency: All interested and affected parties have access to essential information regarding standards and guidelines-related activities throughout the development process.
  • Openness: Participation is open to all interested parties. All stakeholders – including security practitioners, researchers, standards developing organizations, and users – have an opportunity to be meaningfully involved in the standards and guidelines development process.
  • Balance: NIST solicits input from a wide range of stakeholders representing government, industry, and academia to ensure that its standards are strong, practical, and meet the needs of the Federal Government as well as the broader user community.
  • Integrity: NIST serves as an impartial technical authority when it is developing standards and guidelines.
  • Technical Merit: NIST’s decisions during the development of standards and guidelines are based on the technical merit of a proposal while being mindful of security, privacy, policy, and business considerations.
  • Global Acceptability: While the statutory basis for NIST’s work in risk management is the need for protection of non-national security federal information systems, NIST standards are the foundation of many information technology products and services that are developed and sold globally.
  • Usability: NIST aims to develop risk management guidelines that help implementers create secure and useable systems that support business needs and better manage risk for systems and organizations. 
  • Continuous Improvement: NIST strives for ongoing engagement with the cybersecurity and privacy community to continuously improve our standards and guidelines.
  • Innovation: As a scientific bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST's mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.
Created November 4, 2022, Updated January 30, 2025