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Cybersecurity Skills and Workforce Frameworks

In furthering the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy, this environmental scan supports:

  • Line of Effort 1.3.3 to promote the development of international standards and frameworks relating to foundational cyber skills, and
  • Line of Effort 3.4.1 to collaborate with international partners and allies on workforce development best practices.

The scan is a representative sample of cybersecurity, cyber-related, and digital literacy skill and workforce frameworks. 

Skill frameworks are: A collection of information about current and emerging skills, job roles, career paths, and education programs. Skill frameworks can help identify relevant roles within an organization or industry and the skills needed to perform those roles. Skills frameworks can also help employees develop and use skills to achieve their professional goals and positively impact the business.

Workforce frameworks are: An organized approach to describing work and the capabilities of people who do that work in a defined workforce. Workforce frameworks define a common language to form Task, Knowledge, and Skill (TKS) statements that are used to establish relevant Work Roles and Competency Areas. These frameworks are used by employers and education and training providers to identify current and emerging skills, job positions, career paths, and education programs. They are also used by learners and employees to develop and evidence knowledge and skills in support of professional goals and organizational aims.

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Please nice [at] (contact us) for more information on how to add additional frameworks or to correct an error. 

Download the tables below as an XLSX file


This section includes skill and workforce frameworks on topics including: the security of cyberspace, cybersecurity, data security, information assurance, and information security. General security frameworks that incorporate cybersecurity are also included. 

Country of Origin



CanadaCybersecurityCanadian Cyber Security Skills Framework 
CanadaCybersecurityTechNation Cyber Security National Occupation Standards (NOS)
Czech RepublicCybersecurityNational Qualifications Framework in Cybersecurity (CyQUAL)
EuropeCybersecurityEuropean Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF)
IndiaSecurityData Security Council of India (DSCI) Security Framework (DSF)
JapanCybersecurityCyber Risk Intelligence Center’s Human Resources Definition Reference
Saudi ArabiaCybersecuritySaudi Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (SCyWF)
SingaporeCybersecurityOperational Technology Cybersecurity Competency Framework (OTCCF)
United KingdomInformation SecurityChartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) Capability Methodology
United KingdomCybersecurityCyber Security Body of Knowledge (CyBOK)
United KingdomCybersecurityUK Cyber Security Council Cyber Career Framework
United KingdomSecurityUK Government Security Profession Career Framework
United StatesCybersecurityNICE Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework)


This section includes skill and workforce frameworks on topics including: cyberspace, cyber, digital, information systems, information and communications technology (ICT), and information technology (IT). 

Country of Origin



AustraliaCyberAustralian Signals Directorate (ASD) Cyber Skills Framework 
CanadaITOccupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS) Computer and Information Systems Professionals
EuropeICTe-Competence Framework (e-CF)
EuropeDigitalEuropean Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO)
SingaporeICTSkills Future Skills Framework for Infocomm Technology
United Arab EmiratesDigitalDubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) Digital Skills Framework
United KingdomDigitalJisc Digital Capabilities Framework
United KingdomDigitalSkills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)
United NationsICTICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT)
United NationsDigitalPrinciples for Digital Development
United StatesCyberDepartment of Defense (DoD) Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF)
United StatesITIT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond
United StatesITOccupational Information Network (O*NET) Information Technology

Digital literacy

UNESCO defines digital literacy as "the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate, and create information safely and appropriately through digital technologies for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship. It includes competences that are variously referred to as computer literacy, ICT literacy, information literacy, and media literacy."

Country of Origin



CanadaDigital LiteracyInformation and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) Digital Literacy & Skills Roadmap
EuropeDigital LiteracyDigital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp)
EuropeInformation LiteracyDigital Citizenship Education Framework
United NationsDigital LiteracyDigital Literacy Global Framework (DLGF)
United NationsDigital LiteracyGlobal Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills
United NationsInformation LiteracyGlobal Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Framework
United StatesComputer and Technology LiteracySkillsUSA Framework
United StatesDigital LiteracyEmployability Skills Framework
United StatesDigital LiteracyInternational Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
United StatesDigital LiteracyInternet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) Digital Literacy Global Standard 6 (GS6)
United StatesDigital LiteracyLearning for Justice Digital Literacy Framework
United StatesDigital LiteracyMozilla Web Literacy Framework
United StatesDigital LiteracyStandard for Digital Intelligence (DQ)
United StatesDigital LiteracyStandards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL)
United StatesDigital LiteracyUSAID Digital Literacy Primer
United StatesDigital LiteracyVirginia Tech Digital Literacy Framework
United StatesInformation LiteracyFramework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
United StatesInformation LiteracyAmerican Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards Integrated Framework



Created May 3, 2024, Updated February 28, 2025