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Drug Analysis - Opioids and Emerging Threats

Package Interdiction Many synthetic opioids and novel psychoactive substances enter the country through international mail. Research in this area focuses on measurement challenges associated with detection and analysis of these packages at the point of seizure in international mail facilities

Fingerprint Chemistry

Verification Test Materials (VTMs) for Fingerprint Developing Reagents The forensic community has no quantifiable QA/QC method for determining the efficacy of fingerprint developing reagents prior to use in casework. Reagents can be exposed to environmental conditions in the field that can expedite

Trace Contraband Detection

Screening of people and their belongings including luggage, vehicles, and packages for the presence of trace residues of explosives and narcotics (trace contraband detection) is widely used in aviation security and law enforcement. In common screening scenarios, trace contraband residues in the form

Fire Debris and Explosives

Fire Debris Fire debris analysis involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data of debris collected from fire scenes. Samples are typically analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry which results in a complicated chromatogram that must be interpreted. Projects in this area are


NIST Micronutrients Measurement Quality Assurance Program: Spring and Fall 1986 Comparability Studies Results for Round Robins VII and VIII Fat Soluble Vitamins and Carotenoids in Human Serum

Jeanice M. Brown Thomas, David L. Duewer, Margaret C. Kline, Neal Craft, Fillmer Ruegg, Emil Schonberger, Robert Schaffer, Robert Paule
From 1984 to 2017, the National Institute of Standards and Technology coordinated the Micronutrients Measurement Quality Assurance Program (MMQAP) for



SimPROCESD (or Simulated-Production Resource for Operations & Conditions Evaluations to Support Decision-making) is a discrete-event simulation package written