A Shelter In Place (SIP) could be the safest response to a number of emergencies occurring outside your building. A SIP location is a physical location that provides as many barriers as possible between you and the threat.
- A SIP announcement will be made over the loudspeaker.
- Move indoors, if appropriate.
- Secure research and equipment, if time permits.
Shut all exterior windows and doors. Proceed to interior spaces away from windows or stay in the office and move away from windows.
- Wait for further instructions.
- Remain in a safe location until the “All Clear” is announced and you are instructed to return to the office or leave the campus.
- After an SIP event, staff should report their status to their supervisors, either in person or via phone, text, or email.
Additional Resources
FEMA Shelter in Place Guidance
FEMA Shelter In Place Topics
CDC Stay Put - Learn How to Shelter in Place
Emergency Action Plan - Shelter in Place