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Unit Pricing: National Legal Metrology Working Group

Retail Electronic Shelf Labels

Retail Electronic Shelf Labels

Credit: Adobe Stock

NIST OWM has established a National Legal Metrology Working Group on Unit Pricing to review and update the 2014 version of the NIST SP 1181 Unit Pricing Guide, “A Best Practice Approach to Unit Pricing." The working group will also consider the documentary standard language in NIST Handbook 130 Section IV. Uniform Regulations C. Uniform Unit Price Regulations and ensure that both documents are revised, harmonized, and ready for use and/or adoption by state regulators and industry. If required, the working group may submit an NCWM Form 15: Proposal to Amend NIST Handbooks for any changes to revise the unit price laws and regulations (anticipated by July 2025).

The working group members include representatives from industry, trade associations, academia, weights and measures regulatory officials, consumer groups, consumer advocates, and NIST OWM. Areas currently identified for review and consideration include electronic shelf labels, uniform e-commerce regulations, and any necessary updates to the language related to units of measure.

In addition to the main goal of revising the NIST SP 1181 Unit Pricing Guide, the further objectives of the working group include:

  1. Minimize variation in unit price information presented by retailers in the current marketplace
  2. Improve the usability of unit price information practices in the current marketplace by making it easy to identify, read, understand, and use.
  3. Review, refine, and revise existing best practice standards that will improve the accuracy and uniformity of unit price information available to consumers, and that will be supported by the industry in its adoption and use.

The NIST SP 1181 Unit Pricing Guide was originally developed as a practical and user-friendly industry best practice guide for unit pricing. It was designed to be easily understood and implemented by anyone interested in improving the presentation and accuracy of unit pricing information. The guide's best practice recommendations not only enhance the accuracy and usability of unit pricing information in retail stores but also empower retailers to provide a better shopping experience for their customers.

If you are interested in participation in the working group, or would like more information, please feel free to contact John McGuire, OWM Weights and Measures Coordinator, at john.t.mcguire [at] (john[dot]t[dot]mcguire[at]nist[dot]gov).

Created July 30, 2024, Updated August 6, 2024