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Speaker Recognition Subcommittee

OSAC Speaker Recognition SC icon only

The Speaker Recognition Subcommittee focuses on standards and guidelines related to the practice of speaker recognition, voice data collection, measurement, transmission, and retrieval.

Officers | Members | Standards | Other Work Products



Larry Kincaid, Subcommittee Chair, Sandia National Laboratories

John Hansen, Subcommittee Co-Vice Chair, University of Texas at Dallas

Jennifer Stathakis, Subcommittee Executive Secretary, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Dana M. Delger, Innocence Project (Legal Task Group representative)

Sandra Disner, University of Southern California

Stephanie Domitrovich, Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (Legal Task Group representative)

Ewald Enzinger, Eduworks Corporation

Stephen Gibbs, U.S. Federal Government

Erica Gold, California State University San Marcos

Zayan Haq, Department of Homeland Security

David Marks, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Jack Prothero, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Statistics Task Group representative)

Diane Stephens, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Emily Whitmarsh, Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency

Jennifer Williams, University of Southampton

Cindy (Ya Yang) Xiong, University of Massachusetts (Human Factors Task Group representative) 

Speaker Recognition Affiliate List


On the OSAC Registry

  • AES 76-2022 AES Standards for Audio Forensics - Speech Collection Guidelines for Speaker Recognition: Interviewing at a Temporary Location (added May 2, 2023)
  • OSAC 2023-N-0023 Standard Guide to the Forensic Speaker Recognition Landscape (added December 3, 2024)

At an SDO for Further Development & Publication

  • OSAC 2023-N-0023 Standard Guide to the Forensic Speaker Recognition Landscape (OSAC Proposed Standard on the Registry)

Under Development

  • OSAC 2025-S-1002-ND Dataset Collection For Forensic Speaker Recognition

Other Work Products

Process Maps

Research & Development Needs

Technical Guidance Documents

Discipline-Specific Bibliographies and Bibliographic References

These documents may contain information to help forensic scientists, judges, lawyers, researchers, and other readers better understand the nature, scope, and foundations of the individual disciplines as currently practiced. The identification of these documents does not represent an endorsement by OSAC or NIST. Only standards that are posted on the OSAC Registry and Technical Guidance documents, are endorsed by OSAC. The referenced documents may be subject to copyright. Note: Subcommittee position statements or responses to data collections by the subcommittee do not necessarily represent the position of OSAC or NIST.