The Human Forensic Biology Subcommittee focuses on standards and guidelines related to training, method development and validation, data analysis, interpretation, statistical analysis, reporting and testimony for human forensic serological and DNA testing.
Officers | Members | Standards | Other Work Products
Jarrah Kennedy, Subcommittee Chair, Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory
Charlotte Word, Subcommittee Co-Vice Chair, Consultant
Erika Ziemak, Subcommittee Co-Vice Chair, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Joanna Johnson, Subcommittee Co-Executive Secretary, Indiana State Police Laboratory
Michelle Madrid, Subcommittee Co-Executive Secretary, Promega
Lara Adams, FBI Laboratory (Wildlife Forensic Biology Subcommittee affiliate)
Dawn Boswell, University of North Texas Health Science Center (Legal Task Group representative)
Jason Bundy, Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Vice Chair of OSAC's Biology SAC and member of OSAC's Quality Task Group and Terminology Task Group)
Lynne Burley, Santa Clara County Crime Laboratory
Simone Gittelson, District of Columbia Department of Forensics, Affiliate, (Statistics Task Group affiliate)
Susan Greenspoon, Virginia Department of Forensic Science
Rebecca Just, National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC), National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC)
Tim Kalafut, Sam Houston State University
Rebekah Kay, Utah Bureau of Forensic Science
Eugene Lien, New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner
Michael Marciano, Syracuse University
Michelle Peck, Signature Science
Kate Philpott, VCU and Self-employed (Legal Task Group representative)
Christopher Piwonka, Texas Department of Public Safety
Kristin Schelling, Michigan State Police
Nadja Schreiber Compo, Florida International University (Human Factors Task Group representative)
Christie Smith, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Janel Smith, Phoenix Police Department
Diana Williams, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL)
Note: Subcommittee position statements or responses to data collections by the subcommittee do not necessarily represent the position of OSAC or NIST.