The FSSB’s Statistics Task Group is primarily comprised of at least one member from each OSAC subcommittee to provide a statistician’s perspective for the subcommittee. Task group members are selected based on their experience applying statistics in the physical sciences or other types of experimental science. In most cases, if not all, the person’s primary professional role is as a statistical expert in an academic, government, or industrial setting. The group is available for consulting with the FSSB and all OSAC committees on statistics related issues. Task group members work together to gather and submit their comments on standards, technical publications, definitions, and other OSAC and FSSB documents, with an emphasis on their statistical issues related to forensic science results.
Danica Ommen, Task Group Chair, Iowa State University (member of OSAC's Ignitable Liquids, Explosives, & Gunshot Residue Subcommittee)
Christopher Saunders, Task Group Vice Chair, South Dakota State University (member of OSAC's Wildlife Forensic Biology Subcommittee)
Stephanie Reinders, Task Group Executive Secretary, Iowa State University, (member of OSAC's Forensic Document Examination Subcommittee)
Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University (member of OSAC's Footwear & Tire Subcommittee)
Simone Gittelson, District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences (member of OSAC's Human Forensic Biology Subcommittee and Terminology Task Group)
Mary Gregg, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) (member of OSAC's Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction Subcommittee)
Gregory Haber, National Institute of Standards and Technology (member of OSAC's Forensic Toxicology Subcommittee)
Mark Lancaster, Northern Kentucky University (member of OSAC's Forensic Odontology Subcommittee and Facial & Iris Identification Subcommittee)
Amanda Luby, Assistant Professor of Statistics Carleton College (member of OSAC's Friction Ridge Subcommittee)
Steven Lund, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) (affiliate member of OSAC's Footwear & Tire Subcommittee)
James Lyle, National Institute of Standards and Technology (affiliate member of OSAC's Digital Evidence Subcommittee)
Abhyuday Mandal, University of Georgia (member of OSAC's Digital/Multimedia SAC)
Max Morris, Iowa State University (member of OSAC's Firearms & Toolmarks Subcommittee)
Jack Prothero, National Institute of Standards and Technology ( member of OSAC's Seized Drugs Subcommittee and Speaker Recognition Subcommittee)
Michael Smith, Federal Bureau of Investigation (affiliate member of OSAC's Trace Materials Subcommittee)
Haonan Wang, Colorado State University (member of OSAC's Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee)