The Device Configuration Window allows you to "install" and "uninstall" auxiliary equipment and can found at: Window > Configure Devices.
The Configure Devices panel is split into devices that can be installed (on the left) and devices that have been installed (on the right). You can install (and uninstall) devices by,
When a configuration has been successfully installed, it will appear in the right column. Configurations can only be added once and will not be available for installation until uninstalled.
The install/uninstall functionality can be used with multiple devices at once.
Right-clicking a device opens a pop-up window showing piece of information about the configuration:
Below the entire text of the configuration file is shown:
Note: If a device is disconnected or cannot be communicated with, when installed, it may not be able to perform all initialization. You may want to uninstall and reinstall it if you experience a communication problem when first installed.