Once every state in a trajectory is visited, the resulting points still need to be organized based on their identification information. The file rule is used by the NICE server process when sending raw data to writers that have been activated for the given instrument (see File Rule).
By default, a data stream will be produced for every trajectory. The stream contains all the necessary information needed for listeners and is published to any listening to the server’s data channel. Listeners will then display the information and/or record it.
There are two types of listeners: clients and data writers. Examples include:
With the file rule is established, the NICE server process sends this stream of raw data to both the disc and any data writers that have been activated for the given instrument. The writers segregate the collected points based on their identification information into files that are also on disc.
Note: There are multiple data formats; however, an instrument must first be configured to use the specific writers that will output the desired data formats.