Commands typed at the console are in bold and follow brackets >>>. Bracket pairs < and > are used to signify the type of input needed. Three dots ... means multiple inputs are possible. Hitting [Tab] on the keyboard will list available commands, devices, and nodes – typing part of a command, device, or node will narrow the list.
What are the most basic commands I need to know?
>>> read <device name> ...
>>> read sampleAngleMotor
>>> move <device name> <value> ...
>>> move sampleAngleMotor 10
>>> ct <keyword argument> ...
>>> ct -t 10
What is the difference between display and read?
displaying a node will show node values based on the last state read from hardware.
reading a node will query hardware directly to get the latest value. If a node's value is based on other node's values, these other nodes will also be read, recursively.
Where can I find help about using a command or device?
In the menu, under Help-->Find/Help Commands and Devices. Type part or all of the name of the device or command into the help window.
What is the difference between the soft, hard, and raw positions?
How can I set a motor’s position?
How can I set a motor’s position without moving it?
How do I restore lost motor positions (for example, after a power outage)?
Use the restoreMotorPositions command.
What does sleep do?
Use >>> sleep <# of seconds> to make the system wait a specified duration of time.
How do I change limits?
How do I change units?
After units are changed, the latest units will not be reflected in all GUI panels until the client is restarted. The command line and Device Panel always respect the latest unit.
The dimension of a node CANNOT be changed. For example, if a node's unit was degrees you cannot change it to cm.
How do I lock (fix) a motor or other device? What is a lock?
See: locking
How do I know if the system is busy (motors moving, counting, etc)?
You can tell if the system is busy by looking at the top-right of any window in the status bar.
Go to Window > Device Control for real-time display of exactly which devices are busy.
How do I add/remove sample environment equipment?
Go to Window > Configure Devices to add and remove available device configurations.
How do I stop ONLY the current command running in the queue?
Right-click the desired command in the queue and hit Cancel.
How do I find my files? How do I copy them from a previous experiment into the current experiment?
What is the difference between a script, a sequence, and a trajectory? How do I know which to use?
How do I customize output filenames in trajectories?
How does temperature control in NICE work? What is hold time versus timeout versus tolerance band, etc?
To learn more about temperature controllers, go to Temperature Controllers under Sample Environment Equipment.
What are the different features of the counter? What is event mode versus non-event mode? Handshaking on versus handshaking off?
To learn more about counters, go to Counters.
How, where, and when to save configs, maps, and trays? Sequence files?
What are common file naming schemes?
To learn more about sequence and trajectory files, go to File Output under Sequences and File Output under Trajectory Guide.
To learn more about files used by VSANS, go to File Output under VSANS.