Please escort your child into the Center. Help to see that his/her belongings are placed in the designated area, and that your child's hands are washed. Avoid rushing. It is important for your child to start the day happy and relaxed. Please do not leave until a staff person has received your child. Be sure to say good-bye when you leave. Never sneak away!
Please be sure that you or an authorized adult sign your child in and out at the lobby area. The sign in/sign out procedure is repeated each time the child arrives and departs the Center even if only for a short period of time. The logs are used to account for all children present in case of an emergency. This is a licensing requirement which is monitored by the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care.
When parents arrive for pick up, children are expected to put away their projects and toys and prepare to leave. Remember your child may be excited about a project completed that day and want to share with you at this time. It is important that you allow enough time at the end of the day to pick up your child and collect their belongings so as to exit the Center by closing time. Teachers may not always be available to help the children gather their belongings and put on their coats. We ask for your help in tending to your child's needs at this time. Please be sure that you or the authorized adult signs your child out on the attendance sheet at pick up time. A person authorized by the parents or guardians to pick up their child may have to show photo identification if he/she is unfamiliar to the staff. Please be sure the staff knows your child is leaving. Children will not be released to minors.