You are required to advise the Center regularly where you, or a responsible adult (emergency contact person), can be reached while your child is at the Center. This is important in case your child becomes ill or is injured. Children can only be released to parents/guardians having legal custody or to emergency contact persons designated in advance by parents or legal guardians. If someone other than the parents/guardians or emergency contact person is picking up your child, a release form authorizing a specific person to pick up the child must be filled out and signed by the parent and/or legal guardian. At the time of pick up, both the designated person and a staff member must sign the form. In cases of child custody disputes, a copy of the custody papers must be kept in the child's folder in order to safeguard the rights of the child. Children will only be released to a parent bearing legal custody unless arranged otherwise in advance. Unless custody papers are submitted, it is assumed that both parents have equal rights to pick up a child. Anyone picking up children from the Center may be asked to show photo identification. Please be sure you inform any designated contact persons of this policy. If you know you will not be the person picking up your child, please let the staff and your child know this in advance.