As part of their active day, children are afforded as many opportunities as possible for outdoor play. While each classroom strives to accomplish both morning and afternoon outdoor play times, the weather sometimes prohibits such activity, or delays the scheduling of such activity throughout the day. Outside time is limited during inclement or excessively hot or cold weather. Children will go outside when temperatures are between 20º and 90º F. Children will remain inside on "Code Red" days. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. In addition, we ask that you apply the first coat of sunscreen at home or upon arrival at the Center. With your permission, CCC staff will reapply sunscreen, as needed, to your child's exposed skin. You supply the sunscreen in its original container, labeled with your child's first and last name. We also ask that you supply bug repellent spray in its original container, labeled with your child's first and last name. With your permission, CCC staff will apply bug repellent spray, as needed, to your child's clothing.
Parents are welcome to stay in the evening and allow their children to play outside. We ask, however, that you help your child pick up and put away any toys that he/she has been playing with before leaving. To insure your child's safety, we request that only kindergartners or older children use the front climber with the red slide attached. This piece of equipment is designed for children ages five and over and is unsafe for younger children. In addition, the small swing set with slide is designed for children younger than age three. We request that parents closely supervise children on the playground at all times for their safety. The Center is closed at 6:00 pm, and due to insurance restrictions, parents should not reenter the building for any reason when staff members are no longer present.