For a complete list of fees per child and their frequency, see Appendix A: Schedule of Fees.
Tuition is payable in advance, every two weeks on the Monday preceding the official NIST payday. A chart indicating acceptable payment days is located on the Parent News Bulletin Board outside the director's office. The first payment upon entering the Center will include a security deposit, which is held in escrow until the last week the child is enrolled in the Center. Tuition payments can also be made via direct deposit (see the Center Director or Assistant Director for information about this option). Parents are responsible for tuition while the child is officially enrolled in the Center whether or not the child has been in attendance. No tuition credit is given for absences resulting from vacation, illness, acts of nature, or any other circumstance outside of the CCC's control (including but not limited to inclement weather, power outage, earthquake, snow, hurricane, storm, flood, terrorist attack, tornado, fire, public health emergency, etc.). Non-payment of tuition is grounds for termination or suspension of services.
Tuition for a summer camp session is due by 6:00 p.m. the first Wednesday of each session.
The NIST Child Care Association maintains a Scholarship Tuition Assistance Fund to assist the eligible parents of child(ren) attending the NIST Child Care Center. Appendix E provides the eligibility income scale. Actual awards may be higher or lower and are determined by the number of families eligible for assistance and the amount of funds available. Scholarships are awarded annually, and recipients must certify twice a year in August/September, and again in February/March, of their eligibility. See Appendix E for scholarship projections for the school year.
There is a fee when checks are returned from the bank without payment. If tuition or other payment check is returned more than twice, personal checks may no longer be accepted. The Board of Directors reserves the right to require members who have more than two returned checks sign up for "direct deposit" to pay their tuition. The same fee applies to "direct deposit", if notified by your financial institution that an account has insufficient funds.
To encourage payments to be made on time, the NIST CCA Board of Directors has imposed a late charge for tuition checks received after close of business Wednesday of the week they are due. The late charge is imposed per workday (Monday - Friday) and continues until payment is made. If tuition has been paid by a check which is not honored by the bank, it will also be considered a late payment. If you are unable to make your tuition payment on time for any reason, please notify the Director as soon as possible. The Board of Directors reserves the right to require members who have excessive late tuition payments sign up for "direct deposit" to pay their tuition.
Late pick-ups are disruptive for your child and our staff. In order to discourage late pick-ups, the following policy has been established. Any family who picks up their child(ren) after the CCC closing hour will be assessed a late pick up fee. The late fee is imposed for the first 5 minutes or any portion thereof for each child. For example, after 5:05 p.m., the fee will increase per minute until the child is picked up. If there are more than three late pick-ups in a calendar year, this may be grounds for termination of services. Please call if you find you will be later than normal so we can alert our closing staff and your child. Staff will not close the Center until all parents and children have left. Therefore, parents of children remaining in the Center after 5:00 p.m. will be charged the late fee and asked to sign the Late Book. The wall clock in the front foyer of Building 308 will be considered the official clock. Parents who are repeatedly late picking up their child will be asked to meet with the Director and/or NIST CCA Board of Directors.
A parent will be notified immediately when his/her child is ill. Ill children need to be picked up promptly (within one hour of notification) to avoid further exposure to healthy children and staff. Please help us maintain a healthy, safe environment for your child and others by complying with this policy. Repeated failures to comply may result in a fee and/or the child's dismissal from the program.
Parents may withdraw their child from the program at any time. A WRITTEN 30-DAY NOTICE IS REQUIRED. Two pay period's tuition will be charged without proper notification. The security deposit, collected at the time of admission, can be used toward the final pay period's tuition, if proper 30-day written notification is provided. Withdrawal and subsequent re-enrollment will entail submitting a new registration form and fee as well as being placed on the bottom of the waiting list within the parent's registration category.