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BBD PREP Opportunities

About the Program

Created by NIST Boulder in 1991, the Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) is designed to provide valuable laboratory experience and financial assistance to undergraduates, post-bachelor’s degree holders, graduate students, master’s degree holders, postdocs, and faculty.  The program is intended to assure continued growth and progress of a highly skilled science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) workforce in the United States.

PREP is a 5-year cooperative agreement between NIST laboratories and participating PREP Universities to establish a collaborative research relationship between NIST and U.S. institutions of higher education in the following disciplines including (but may not be limited to) biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, electronics, materials science, mathematics, nanoscale science, neutron science, physical science, physics, and statistics.

Biomaterials Group 

  • Position Posting:
    Position Description: PREP0002571 Postdoctoral Chemist for High-Sensitivity IR Spectroscopy for Proteins and Gene Delivery Systems 
    Label-free characterization of hydrated, low concentration biological samples is critical to support biopharmaceutical and regenerative medicine applications such as protein drugs and gene therapies. NIST has developed a high-sensitivity infrared (IR) spectroscopy technique and demonstrated it for protein solutions by eliminating the strong IR absorption effect of water. This technique has been advanced to the characterization of a protein solution with a high sensitivity and a broad frequency scanning range. This project will focus on advancing applicability of this spectroscopy technique in concentration sensitivity and applying it to characterize proteins and gene delivery systems. Visit the project page for more details. 
    Apply for the position at the Johns Hopkins-NIST PREP site. (PREP0002571:    
    Contact: Young Jong Lee 

  • Position Posting: 
    Position Description: PREP0002533 Postdoctoral Chemist for IR Imaging Analysis of Micro/Nanoplastics and Polymer Films 
    Weathered plastic surfaces shed various shapes and sizes of micro/nanoplastics (MNP). Understanding the MNP-producing mechanisms will help the industry develop strategies to reduce plastic pollution and facilitate sustainable plastic manufacturing. However, both polymer surfaces and MNP often exhibit chemical and physical heterogeneity, which makes the systematic study extremely challenging. Protocols are needed to image polymer films and resulting MNP in terms of chemical identification and structural characterization. Recently, our team independently demonstrated the world’s first 3D orientation imaging of polymer chains using infrared (IR) and coherent Raman microscopy. Also, we purchased a wide-field quantum cascade laser-infrared (QCL-IR) microscope equipped with polarization control, which will allow for 3D orientational imaging of both polymer films and MNP at high speed. We propose to develop a chemical imaging technique for polymer films and MNP with 3D orientation information. The wide-field QCL-IR microscope will be used to image the samples with high throughput. Employees in this position are expected to work on developing infrared spectroscopic imaging techniques for MNP and polymer films. The project will focus on identifying the challenges to IR spectral imaging of MNP for high-throughput quantitative characterization.  
    Apply for the position at the Georgetown-NIST PREP site. (PREP0002533: 
    Contact: Young Jong Lee 

  • Position Posting:
    Position Description PREP0002587 Postdoctoral Researcher for Development of Cell Count and Cell Viability Reference Materials for Cell Therapy Applications
    Cell count and cell viability are fundamental measurements for biotechnology and critical in the release of cellular therapeutic products.  There is a need for accurate cell count based measurements, which will require the development of appropriate reference methods and reference materials.  In this project, we will develop cell count/viability reference materials that are fit-for-purpose, stable, and homogeneous.  Automated liquid handling and sample preparation systems will be used to generate cell samples at varying dilutions following ISO cell counting standards.  Advanced cell analysis techniques will be used to enumerate cells using different counting modalities including flow cytometry, digital PCR, fluorescent imaging, brightfield imaging, and coulter principles.  Cell preservation techniques including lyophilization, fixation, and cryopreservation will be evaluated for their ability to generate stable cell-based reference materials.  This project is directly applicable to the development and characterization of cell-based therapies and will advance measurement capabilities critical for the success of these novel therapeutics.  Visit the project page for more details.
    Apply for the position at the Johns Hopkins–NIST PREP site.  (PREP0002587
    Contact:  Sumona Sarkar

Cellular Engineering Group

  • Position Description:  Engineering Biology Automation Scientist/Engineer
    The Biosystems and Biomaterials Division at NIST is seeking to hire a laboratory automation scientist or engineer. The person hired for this position will help to lead the development of automation-based methods to create a measurement infrastructure for engineering biology. They will work with a multidisciplinary team to develop and program new automation methods and to facilitate rapid and flexible adoption of automation systems for a variety of biological measurements. 
    Contact:  David Ross

  • Position Description:  Synthetic Biology Technician
    The Biosystems and Biomaterials Division at NIST is seeking to hire a biology wet lab technician with expertise in synthetic biology. The person hired for this position will work with a multidisciplinary team to support the development and execution of a variety of biological measurements.
    Contact:  Elizabeth Strychalski

Created January 26, 2021, Updated July 16, 2024