The Footwear & Tire Subcommittee focuses on standards and guidelines related to the detection, documentation, recovery, examination and comparison of footwear and tire evidence.
Forensic footwear and/or tire examiners undertake the following tasks: documenting, collecting and preserving footwear and tire evidence, and comparing and analyzing footwear or tire impressions. Examiners provide expert opinions regarding source conclusions, determine the manufacturer, make, or model of the source of a questioned impression, compare questioned impressions, make, or model of an item of footwear or tire from an image or video, and write reports and provide testimony.
Officers | Members | Standards | Other Work Products
David Kanaris, Subcommittee Chair, Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory
Christopher Hamburg, Subcommittee Vice Chair, ANSI National Accreditation Board (Quality Task Group representative)
Natasha Wheatley, Subcommittee Executive Secretary, ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB)
Kacey Amorello, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory
Cory Bartoe, Virginia Department of Forensic Sciences
Sarah Bohne, Colorado Springs Police Department
Maureen Burke, Mesa Police Department Forensic Services
Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University (Statistics Task Group representative)
Jeff Jagmin, Washington State Patrol
Brian Juengst, Maine State Police Crime Laboratory
Alicia McCarthy, Ph.D., Thomas College, Affiliate (Human Factors Task Group representative)
Nicole Richetelli, Noblis
J. Michael Ryan, Superior Court for the District of Columbia (Legal Task Group representative)
Rodney Schenck, Federal Bureau of Investigation
David Spadoni, Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Jacqueline Speir, West Virginia University
Vanessa Styx, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory
Note: Subcommittee position statements or responses to data collections by the subcommittee do not necessarily represent the position of OSAC or NIST.
These documents may contain information to help forensic scientists, judges, lawyers, researchers, and other readers better understand the nature, scope, and foundations of the individual disciplines as currently practiced. The identification of these documents does not represent an endorsement by OSAC or NIST. Only standards that are posted on the OSAC Registry and Technical Guidance documents, are endorsed by OSAC. The referenced documents may be subject to copyright. Note: Subcommittee position statements or responses to data collections by the subcommittee do not necessarily represent the position of OSAC or NIST.
Reference Books: