The Quarterly Magazine of NIST's Material Measurement Laboratory
Measuring Materials to Improve Lives
MML scientists engage in a wide-range of security-related research, from developing and standardizing contraband screening technologies to developing materials that can protect better, and much more. This past summer MML updated its Mass Spectral Library, used by virtually every manufacturing sector to identify chemicals, and in the identification and detection of chemical weapons. MML researchers also recently demonstrated screening techniques to help prevent accidental exposure to synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, helping law enforcement address the opioid crisis.
In addition to our research focused on threats posed by contraband materials, MML research also helps keep us safe in our everyday lives. With cutting-edge instruments, methods and standards, we accurately determine the composition, structure and properties of materials, and explore how new materials might outperform those used in existing products. In this issue of Material Matters you can read about recent research that gives us a better understanding of the fibers used in modern body armor, as well as an effort to develop better materials for helmets and pads to protect against traumatic brain injury.
Other research highlighted in this issue demonstrates less direct, but no less important ways that MML research helps promote our welfare – exploring better treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s, a new test for evaluating antibiotics more quickly, improving a blood test used to evaluate the risk of heart disease, and more accurately determining the sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Body, mind, heart – our research is leading to enhancements that promise to help protect us and improve our lives in innumerable ways. Across all of these sectors and disciplines, MML research shares a desire and drive to harness materials to improve human life, making us safer and more secure, so we can focus on the things that really matter.
* During the search for a new MML director, Michael Fasolka, long-time MML deputy director, is acting director of MML.
At the Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society, from August 7 to 10, 2017 in Newark, Delaware, Ran Tao of MML’s Security Technologies Group presented on her recent work of shear thickening fluids. Shear thickening fluids composed of silica nanoparticles and polyglycol (a liquid polymer) have been investigated as performance enhancement additives for soft body armor. Such material is ideal for damping and energy absorption applications because, at high rate, the fluid undergoes a fluid-like to solid-like transition and, in doing so, the impact energy is dissipated. Tao’s research highlighted a method of visualizing the breakdown of fumed silica agglomerates during measurement. Using different data presentation and analysis methods of large amplitude oscillatory shear rheology, the stress instabilities, as an indication of agglomerates breakdown, can be readily obtained. The results indicate that those shear thickening fluids containing fractal fumed silica are not ideal candidates as liquid body armor due to the irreversible agglomerate breakdown under
The sale of innovative and generic biologic medicines is a major driver of U.S. economic activity. Ten of the top-selling 20 drugs are protein therapeutics. Of these, seven are monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), by far the largest class of protein therapeutics. The development and manufacture of therapeutic mAbs presents many analytical challenges. Characterization of mAbs requires assessing their higher order structure, since misfolding or aggregation can lead to loss of efficacy or cause potentially life-threatening immune responses. Techniques for accurate and precise characterization of mAb higher order structure for establishing consistency in drug manufacturing, detecting process-related drug-product variations and establishing comparability of biosimilars to innovator reference products are therefore of great interest to regulators and the biopharmaceutical industry. An MML team of Luke Arbogast, Frank Delaglio, John Schiel and John Marino has developed a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method that produces spectral ‘fingerprints’ to establish higher order structure comparability between mAb samples. This work is described in a recently published article entitled “Multivariate Analysis of Two-Dimensional 1H, 13C Methyl NMR Spectra of Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics To Facilitate Assessment of Higher Order Structure,” that was selected by American Chemical Society journal editors to be featured in ACS Editors’ Choice.
Using a benchmark 2D NMR experiment, with principle component analysis applied directly to the spectral data matrix, spectra from highly similar species are successfully discriminated, with low limits of detection, that cannot be distinguished by visual inspection or simple intensity based statistical approaches. The MML team is further able to use this approach to identify the sources of spectral variation between species and assign these differences to alterations in structure. The team also previously demonstrated that the NMR analysis can be performed in an hour or less, which makes this a practical method for higher order structure determination in the manufacturing environment.
Scott Jackson, leader of MML’s Complex Microbial Systems Group is working with scientists from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Water Supply and Water Resources Division to develop molecular genetic reference materials for validating analytical methods developed at the EPA for the detection of fecal waste contaminates in our waterways. Fecal microbes are the most common biological contaminants in U.S. waters and pose serious public and ecological health risks. A nationwide network of regional and state laboratories uses the EPA-developed methods to monitor local recreational waters for safety and for evaluating best management practices. The NIST-developed reference material will be used to assess the analytical sensitivity and specificity of the EPA-developed methods as well as ensuring interlaboratory competency through annual performance testing.
On September 18, 2017 MML Group Leader Scott Jackson visited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, to develop a set of standard practices for assessing, during drug development, the degree and significance of human microbiome disruption or restoration resulting from exposure to medications such as antibiotics, microbiome protectants, or microbiome restoratives. Several pre-calls with invited participants were hosted in advance to develop a starting draft of standard practices and define current gaps in approaches to assess drug-related microbiome disruption and gaps in evidence linking potential microbiome indices to outcomes. During this meeting, Jackson gave a presentation on the ongoing activities at NIST surrounding standards for microbiome measurements as well current antibiotic resistance research. The meeting was hosted by the CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion.
Last year the FDA and NIH partnered to form the Joint Agency Microbiome Working Group. The group, composed of scientists interested in microbiome research, recently expanded their strategic document to officially include NIST as a member. MML’s Scott Jackson is representing NIST in the group. The goals of the group are to:
During the week of September 18, 2017, MML staff visited, in succession, the Toyota Research Institute of North America (Ann Arbor, Michigan), Dow Chemical (Midland, Michigan), and the former Dow Corning (Midland, Michigan). Both Toyota and Dow Chemical are members of the NIST public-private consortium nSoft, and Dow Chemical has had a 20+ year cooperative research and development agreement with the NIST Synchrotron Science Group located at Brookhaven National Laboratory. After recent visits to the Gaithersburg campus, there was a request for a reverse site visit to discuss emerging capabilities in neutron and X-ray measurements. In addition to interests in characterization of membranes for water purification and energy storage, all three companies expressed great interest in applying new NIST capabilities for X-ray spectroscopic microscopy to the characterization of catalysts.
Scientists from MML’s Biosystems and Biomaterials Division will work with scientists from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) through an interagency agreement to improve the measurement assurance of a non-animal alternative assay focused on assessing the potential skin sensitization risk for chemicals. This assay is currently being evaluated with a three-laboratory comparison through the Interagency Coordinating Committee for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM). The work being conducted at NIST will focus on how to use measurement science approaches (cause and effect analysis, robustness testing, and quantifying different sources of variability) to enhance the quality of the assay. This work has already uncovered unexpected sources of variability that were not highlighted in the original protocol (e.g., photodegradation of assay reagents, variable quality of key reagents among suppliers, impact of different cuvettes) and enabled the design of potential in-line process control measurements to ensure confidence in the assay result. Furthermore, the NIST/CPSC team will evaluate the feasibility of using this assay to test more complex compounds such as nanomaterials. This work and the interlaboratory comparison results will be used to statistically determine specification ranges to ensure assay performance.
On September 5, 2017, Elisabeth Mansfield, leader of MML’s Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Group kicked off a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project with Innoveering LLC to design a high-temperature, low-uncertainty pressure sensor. Innoveering is a small business based in New York that has a history of designing pressure sensors for oil and gas applications. They are applying their knowledge developed for previous applications to the development of a new sensor for NIST. The Thermophysical Properties of Fluids group has an interest in a new pressure sensor to overcome some of the challenges with current pressure sensor size and calibrations. The new pressure sensor is much smaller (1 in x 1 in), has a pressure range up to 7MPa, and is based on MEMS technology. It is expected that this sensor will allow NIST to develop smaller instrumentation for thermophysical property measurements and improve the uncertainties in current instrumentation. The finalized sensor is expected to be delivered at NIST by August 31, 2019. The SBIR program encourages domestic small businesses to engage in federal research/research and development that has the potential for commercialization.
Bob Keller, leader of MML’s Nanoscale Reliability Group, teamed with Professors Raynald Gauvin (McGill University) and Shirin Kaboli (University of Nevada-Las Vegas) to organize and run a symposium entitled Advances in Scanning Electron Microscopy: Transmission Modes and Channeling Effects at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting, held in St. Louis, August 7-9, 2017. The Symposium drew many of the world’s experts in both transmission and electron channeling methods, which share numerous common aspects of electron scattering and detection physics. This was the first symposium at the Microscopy & Microanalysis conference that included transmission scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods as a primary focus. The historically uncommon transmission approach has seen rapid research and commercial growth during the past five years, since the NIST development of transmission-EBSD (aka transmission Kikuchi diffraction) was first reported. Transmission-centric topics included imaging methods, electron diffraction methods, and electron energy loss spectrometry in the SEM, for characterization of a wide variety of substances, including metals, semiconductors, ceramics, rocks and minerals, and biological material. Channeling-centric topics included electron channeling contrast imaging and electron channeling pattern methods, used primarily for studies of deformation in metals and semiconductors. The program can be found at http://www. Scientific_Program.pdf.
MML project leader Chris Stafford (Functional Polymers Group) has been selected as a 2017 Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Stafford is being recognized for “developing innovative techniques to enhance physical understanding of polymer thin films, including combinatorial arrays with controlled gradients, buckling methods to quantify modulus, and layer-by-layer methods to deduce structure-property relationships in polymer membranes.” APS Fellowships are a distinct honor given after extensive review by the Fellowship committee of the appropriate APS division, topical group or forum, and by the APS Fellowship Committee.
John Marino, leader of MML’s Biomolecular Structure & Function Group, was honored by the Division of Biochemical Technology (BIOT) in the American Chemical Society (ACS) with the “Best of BIOT” award for his talk presented at the 2017 ACS National Meeting in San Francisco titled “Addressing the challenge of higher-order structure assessment of biologics with 2D NMR.” In addition to the honor, Marino was featured in the “Best of BIOT” webinar series.
The Netexplo Observatory has awarded Matthew Staymates (left, left), Jessica Staymates, Bill MacCrehan, Greg Gillen, Roderick Kunz, Thomas Mendum, Ta-Hsuan Ong, Geoffrey Geurtsen, and Brent Craven a Netexplo Innovation 2017 award for their work in understanding canine olfaction with an artificial dog’s nose and implications for biomimicry and improved contraband detection. The Netexplo awards 10 individuals/organizations whose work represents the 10 most innovative and promising global digital initiatives of the year. The award ceremony was held at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) house in Paris, France on April 26 and 27, 2017.
Jack Glover of MML’s Security Technologies Group was recently selected as an ASTM International Emerging Professional for his contribution to the revision of the ASTM F792, a widely-used international standard that defines test methods for assessing the imaging performance of the X-ray systems that are used to inspect small baggage, such as the carry-on baggage in air transportation. This competitive recognition is awarded for new ASTM members who have demonstrated the potential to be committee leaders. Glover improved existing test methods, developed new test methods, developed algorithms to automatically compute values for the performance metrics, updated and identified new performance metrics, and designed and validated test artifacts. He was also the chair of the F792 working group that revised ASTM’s F792 standard.
Justin Gorham of MML’s Nano Materials Research Group has recently been selected as an ASTM International Emerging Professional. This competitive recognition is awarded for new ASTM members who have demonstrated the potential to be committee leaders. Gorham joined ASTM in 2015 and has contributed significantly to the development of one published standard and one work item in Committee E56 on Nanotechnology, Subcommittee E56.06 on Nano-Enabled Consumer Products. These are A Standard Guide for Tiered Approach to Detection and Characterization of Silver Nanomaterials in Textiles and A New Test Method for Detection of Total Silver in Textiles by ICP Analysis. These two standards are critical to industries that manufacture textile products containing silver nanomaterials and to agencies that regulate such products. In addition to his standards work with ASTM, Gorham has co-led the production of a NIST silver nanoparticle reference material.
Wei-Shan Chiang, a NIST guest researcher (sponsored by Aramco) at the NIST Center for Neutron Research, has been named a Distinguished Speaker by the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) for 2017-2018. She was selected for her paper entitled “Simultaneous Neutron and X-ray Imaging of 3D Kerogen and Fracture Structure for Flow Path in Shales,” which she presented at the 58th Annual SPWLA Symposium. As a Distinguished Speaker Chiang will visit and speak at local chaNIST Center for Neutron Researchpters of SPWLA throughout the coming year. This honor represents an important achievement for NIST’s nSoft, as a definitive advance in the imaging of shale. Aramco North America Services (Houston, TX) has been a member of nSoft since 2015. This work was highlighted at the recent nSoft annual meeting.