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Forensic Science Standards Library

OSAC's Forensic Science Standards Library is an interactive database of the current forensic science standards landscape. The term "standard" applies collectively to a document and can be a best practice recommendation, classification, code, guide, method/test method, practice, specification, or vocabulary/terminology. The elements required in a "standard" will differ by the type of document and by the standards developing organization (SDO).

Visit the OSAC Registry to see the SDO published and OSAC Proposed Standards that have been approved by OSAC and are endorsed for implementation.

Search for the following types of standards in the OSAC Forensic Science Standards Library:

  • OSAC Registry: The OSAC Registry is a repository of selected SDO published and OSAC Proposed Standards that have been approved and are endorsed by OSAC for implementation.
  • OSAC Registry Archive: The OSAC Registry Archive is a collection of standards that were on the OSAC Registry and have been replaced by revised standards.
  • SDO Published: This is a standard that has been developed through the consensus process and has been published by a standards developing organization (SDO). An SDO published standard is available to the forensic science community and may be considered for the OSAC Registry.
  • In SDO Development: This is a standard that is currently under development at an SDO. The standard may have been initially drafted within OSAC and sent to the SDO for further development, or it may have been started directly at the SDO.
  • OSAC Proposed: This is a standard that was initiated and drafted by OSAC and will eventually be sent to an SDO for further development and publication. An OSAC Proposed Standard may or may not be included on the OSAC Registry.
  • Under Development: This is a working draft inside of OSAC and not yet publicly available.

Forensic Science Standards Library

OSAC Registry
OSAC Registry Archive
SDO-Published Standards
In SDO Development
Searches the number, title, subcommittee and owner for all keywords
Displaying 1 - 50 of 621
More info Designation Number Title OSAC Subcommittee(s) Document Owner Status Date added to the Registry Sort ascending
ANSI/ASB Standard 035-20 ANSI/ASB Standard 035 Standard for the Examination of Documents for Alterations, 2020, 1st Ed. Forensic Document Examination Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2024-S-0012 OSAC 2024-S-0012 Standard Practice for the Forensic Analysis of Geological Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry Trace Materials The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2024-S-0002 OSAC 2024-S-0002 Standard Test Method for the Examination and Comparison of Toolmarks for Source Attribution Firearms & Toolmarks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-S-0028 OSAC 2023-S-0028 Best Practice Recommendations for the Resolution of Conflicts in Toolmark Value Determinations and Source Conclusions Firearms & Toolmarks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-N-0012 OSAC 2023-N-0012 Best Practice Recommendations for the Acceptance of a Request for Friction Ridge Examinations Friction Ridge The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2022-S-0037 OSAC 2022-S-0037 Standards for DNA-based Taxonomic Identification in Forensic Entomology Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2022-S-0032 OSAC 2022-S-0032 Best Practice Recommendation for the Chemical Processing of Footwear and Tire Impression Evidence Footwear & Tire The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Standard 180-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 180 Standard for the Selection and Evaluation of GenBank® Results for Taxonomic Assignment of Wildlife Wildlife Forensic Biology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
SWGDE: 17-F-002-2.0 SWGDE: 17-F-002-2.0 Best Practices for Computer Forensic Acquisitions Digital Evidence Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
SWGDE: 17-F-001-2.0 SWGDE: 17-F-001-2.0 Recommendations for Cell Site Analysis Digital Evidence Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2024-N-0010 OSAC 2024-N-0010 Requirements and Recommendations for Competency Testing in Forensic Firearm and Toolmark Laboratories Firearms & Toolmarks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2024-N-0005 OSAC 2024-N-0005 Standard Training Guideline for Iris Image Examiners Facial and Iris Identification The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-S-0018 OSAC 2023-S-0018 Standard Test Method for the Restoration of Obliterated Serial Numbers and Other Markings Firearms & Toolmarks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-N-0023 OSAC 2023-N-0023 Standard Guide to the Forensic Speaker Recognition Landscape Speaker Recognition The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-N-0020 OSAC 2023-N-0020 Standard for the On-Scene Collection and Preservation of Friction Ridge Impressions Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Standard 175-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 175 Standard for Interpreting, Comparing and Reporting DNA Test Results Associated with Failed Controls and Contamination Events, 2024, 1st Ed. Human Forensic Biology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 055-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 055 Standard for Breath Alcohol Measuring Instrument Calibration, 2024, 1st Ed. Forensic Toxicology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2024-N-0004 OSAC 2024-N-0004 Standard Guide for Capturing Iris Images for Use with Iris Recognition Systems Facial and Iris Identification The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2023-S-0017 OSAC 2023-S-0017 Standard for the Articulation of Footwear and Tire Interpretations Footwear & Tire The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Best Practice Recommendation 171-24 ANSI/ASB Best Practice Recommendation 171 Best Practice Recommendation for the Management of Quality Assurance DNA Elimination Databases in Forensic DNA Analysis, 2024, 1st Ed. Human Forensic Biology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2023-S-0026 OSAC 2023-S-0026 Task-Relevant Information in Friction Ridge Examination Friction Ridge The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Best Practice Recommendation 122-24 ANSI/ASB Best Practice Recommendation 122 Best Practice Recommendation for Performing Alcohol Calculations in Forensic Toxicology, 2024, 1st Ed. Forensic Toxicology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E3391-24 ANSI/ASTM E3391-24 Standard Terminology Relating to Gunshot Residue Analysis Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & Gunshot Residue ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E2917-24a ANSI/ASTM E2917-24a Standard Practice for Forensic Science Practitioner Training, Continuing Education, and Professional Development Programs Interdisciplinary, Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 154-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 154 Standard for Training on Testimony for Forensic Biology, 2024, 1st Ed. Human Forensic Biology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
SWGDE: 23-F-005-1.0 SWGDE: 23-F-005-1.0 Best Practices Apple MacOS Forensic Acquisition Digital Evidence Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
SWGDE: 21-F-001-1.1 SWGDE: 21-F-001-1.1 Best Practices for Acquiring Online Content Digital Evidence Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E3284-23 ANSI/ASTM E3284-23 Standard Practice for Training in the Forensic Examination of Primer Gunshot Residue (pGSR) Using Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (SEM/EDS) Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & Gunshot Residue ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E3197-23 ANSI/ASTM E3197-23 Standard Terminology Relating to Examination of Fire Debris Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & Gunshot Residue ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E2927-23 ANSI/ASTM E2927-23 Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Elements in Soda-Lime Glass Samples Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Forensic Comparisons Trace Materials ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E1388-24 ANSI/ASTM E1388-24 Standard Practice for Static Headspace Sampling of Vapors from Fire Debris Samples Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & Gunshot Residue ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 146-21 ANSI/ASB Standard 146-21 Standard for Resolving Commingled Remains in Forensic Anthropology, 2021, 1st Ed. Forensic Anthropology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 135-23 ANSI/ASB Standard 135-23 Scene Detection and Processing in Forensic Anthropology, 2023, 1st Ed. Forensic Anthropology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 134-21 ANSI/ASB Standard 134-21 Standard for Analyzing Pathological Conditions and Anomalies in Forensic Anthropology, 2021, 1st Ed. Forensic Anthropology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2024-N-0008 OSAC 2024-N-0008 Mass Fatality Incident Data Management: Best Practice Recommendations for the Medicolegal Authority Medicolegal Death Investigation The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Registry, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard
OSAC 2023-N-0005 OSAC 2023-N-0005 Standard Practice for Training a Forensic Glass Practitioner Trace Materials The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Registry, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard
OSAC 2023-N-0003 OSAC 2023-N-0003 Standard for Diagramming Scenes Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Registry, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard
OSAC 2022-S-0034 OSAC 2022-S-0034 Standard for the Expression of Source Opinions in Forensic Document Examination Forensic Document Examination The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASTM E3294-23 ANSI/ASTM E3294-23 Standard Guide for Forensic Analysis of Geological Materials by Powder X-Ray Diffraction Trace Materials ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E3272-23 ANSI/ASTM E3272-23 Standard Guide for the Collection of Soils and Other Geological Evidence for Criminal Forensic Applications Trace Materials ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASTM E3175-23 ANSI/ASTM E3175-23 Standard Practice for Training in the Forensic Examination of Hair by Microscopy Trace Materials ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 162-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 162 Standard Method for the Forensic Examination and Documentation of Non-Firearm Tools and Toolmarks, 2024, 1st Ed. Firearms & Toolmarks Academy Standards Board SDO Published Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Standard 145-23 ANSI/ASB Standard 145 Standard for Consultation During Friction Ridge Examination, 2023, 1st Ed. Friction Ridge Academy Standards Board SDO Published Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Standard 128-22 ANSI/ASB Standard 128 Standard for the Preservation and Examination of Liquid Soaked Documents, 2022, 1st Ed. Forensic Document Examination Academy Standards Board SDO Published Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASB Standard 123-24 ANSI/ASB Standard 123 Standard for Routine Internal Evaluation of a Laboratory’s DNA Interpretation and Comparison Protocol, 2024, 1st Ed. Human Forensic Biology Academy Standards Board OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
OSAC 2022-S-0011 OSAC 2022-S-0011 Standard for Construction of Multilocus Databases Wildlife Forensic Biology The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Registry, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard
OSAC 2022-S-0022 OSAC 2022-S-0022 Standard for Disaster Victim Identification Medicolegal Death Investigation The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
OSAC 2022-N-0039 OSAC 2022-N-0039 Standard for the Collection and Preservation of Entomological Evidence from a Terrestrial Environment Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science In SDO Development, OSAC Proposed Draft Standard, OSAC Registry
ANSI/ASTM E3392-24 ANSI/ASTM E3392-24 Standard Guide for Forensic Physical Fit Examination Trace Materials ASTM International OSAC Registry, SDO Published Standard
ANSI/ASB Standard 153-23 ANSI/ASB Standard 153 Standard Practices for Proficiency Testing for Forensic Toxicology Laboratories and Breath Alcohol Programs, 2023, 1st Ed. Forensic Toxicology Academy Standards Board SDO Published Standard, OSAC Registry