The SANS rotating cell holders1 tumble a sealed sample cell with the center of the rotation at the center of the sample. This tumbling motion prevents settling of precipitates that form over the time-scale of the SANS measurement. Two sets of rotational holders are available. A set of four rotating holders (4R) are currently on long-term loan from Uppsala University for use at all SANS beamlines. A set six rotating holders (6R), owned and maintained by the NCNR, are available for any instrument but the USANS. The BT5 USANS instrument has only enough space for 4 holders.
Two styles of sample drums are available. The drum pictured holds circular and rectanglar Hellma© cells. The second style holds any size of the standard SANS demountable cells. Temperature control from ambient to 60°C has been achieved using halogen heat lamps2, but the holders operate at ambient temperature under standard conditions.